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Owl Prowl with Sean Beckett
4:00 PM16:00

Owl Prowl with Sean Beckett


Join naturalist Sean Beckett for an early evening of owling at Fox Hill. We will start inside Snow Farm Vineyard with a quick presentation about owls by Sean, while enjoying a cup of non-alcoholic hot cider (provided), or a fermented beverage (available for purchase). Then, we will venture up Fox Hill in search of owls!

What to Expect: The walk will be approximately a mile long at most, beginning at the vineyard and moving up the hill and into the forest. Our route will take us along a flat, mowed field to start. Then, after about 200 yards we will turn left to head up Fox Hill. The path remains wide and mowed, but it will get moderately steep as we ascend. Then at the top we may walk into the woods, at which point the trail surface will change to a dirt trail, with occasional rocks, sticks, and changes in elevation. 

In order to have the best chance of hearing or seeing owls we will try to stay as quiet as possible, so this event may not be best for children. No pets except for service dogs.

There is a maximum number of attendees for this event. Register at the link below to save yourself a spot!

What to Bring: The pace will be slow and the group will make frequent stops. Expect to be outside for at least an hour so make sure to dress warmly! The paths may be icy or muddy depending on the weather, shoes with good traction are encouraged. Finally, we encourage you to bring a headlamp or flashlight, it will be dark! 

Location: Snow Farm Vineyard. 190 W Shore Rd, South Hero VT 05486

Parking is available in the lot next to the main building. Bathrooms are available inside.

Guest Speaker: Sean Beckett

Sean is the program director at North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. He received his M.S from UVM’s Field Naturalist and Ecological Planning Program. Sean has worked extensively as a wildlife ecologist and gained experience researching Saw-whet Owls in New York. He is excited to share his knowledge of owls and hopefully guide the group to encounter the nocturnal predators in the wild.

Cost: Free for SHLT Members & BIPOC, $5 for non-members. 


Photo By Mdf - Taken by Mdf, CC BY-SA 3.0

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SHLT Annual Celebration @ Snow Farm Vineyard at Crescent Bay Farm
1:00 PM13:00

SHLT Annual Celebration @ Snow Farm Vineyard at Crescent Bay Farm

South Hero is special in so many ways. And the South Hero Land Trust has been hard at work to protect the land and forests we all love. Join us to learn about some of South Hero Land Trust’s current projects to preserve and grow strong forests in South Hero, using ecological forest management techniques like deer exclosures. See them first-hand while walking up Fox Hill with County Forester Nancy Patch. Plus, we’ll share updates on all of our work, and enjoy a great spread of fresh pie with friends & neighbors!

This event is free and open to everyone. RSVP’s are encouraged.

Schedule of Events

1:00 Walk up Fox Hill with Nancy Patch (optional)

2:00 Gathering & Pie Social (with cash bar)

2:30 Annual Membership Meeting and Celebration

SHLT believes that nature - and celebrations! - should be for everyone. HERE is a brief outline of the event space and activities, including information about accessibility.

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