Round Pond State Park Trails


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Round Pond Natural Area's rich natural beauty can be enjoyed throughout the year. Public access is allowed on the property and provides a fantastic resource for low-impact recreation, education, and hunting. A public walking and horseback riding trail leads from East Shore Road, through the woods and fields of the Natural Area, to the wetland and lakeshore.

Round Pond State Park’s diverse mix of natural communities provides critical wildlife habitat for numerous animals, including deer, mink, wild turkey, and a variety of amphibians. Several rare natural communities exist on the property- Lake Shale Beach, Lakeshore Grassland, and Lakeside Floodplain Forest are examples of community types that are found in few places in Vermont. The Round Pond Wetland is considered one of the most important wetland complexes on Lake Champlain. Beaver, nesting marshland birds, migrating neo-tropical songbirds, and an uncommon stand of native Phragmites all play a role in the wetland’s diverse and ever-changing ecosystem.

In 2016 South Hero Land Trust worked with the South Hero Recreation Commission, the Lake Champlain Land Trust, and the VT Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation to open a connector trail between the main Round Pond Trail and the Landon Community Trail that runs from the parking area at the Landon Trail to the Landon Farm. Walkers then traverse East Shore Road for a very short distance to pick up the Round Pond Trails.

The Round Pond Trail Natural Area is owned by the State of Vermont. Lake Champlain Land Trust holds a conservation easement on the property. The trails are maintained in partnership by South Hero Land Trust, Lake Champlain Land Trust, and the VT Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.

Use: walking, running, snowshoeing, skiing, horseback riding. Dogs are allowed. Hunting is allowed on this property year round, please take precautions during large game seasons.

Trail Description: Dirt path in the woods followed by mown grass in the meadows. Some boardwalks along the way require stepping up and down about 6 inches. There are occasional roots and rocks in the path. The grade is mostly level, with some small sections of uphill and downhill that can be slippery during wet conditions. The trail width is generally 3-5 ft.

Distance: approximately 1 mile

Terrain: moderate

Hours: Dawn to dusk

Closures: Closed as needed during mud season to protect trails and vegetation from damage, otherwise open year round. Please respect the signage you see. Staying off trails when they are muddy helps reduce trail maintenance costs, damage to sensitive plants alongside the trail, and erosion. The Landon Community Trail is a good alternate when Round Pond is too muddy.

Hunting: Please be aware that the natural area is open for hunting and use appropriate caution during large game seasons.

Facilities: none